Winners over the years

Debut Album of the Year – 6hunesseq "ma olen maa peal v66ras"

Traditional Music of the Year – Kirbla Trio "Lükata-tõmmata, hargiga-roobiga"
New folk Artist of the Year – RÜÜT "Kiriküüt"
Musician of the Year – Katariina Tirmaste
Song of the Year – MandoTrio "Kui Peetrilinnas"
Album of the Year – RÜÜT "Kiriküüt"
Artist of the Year – RÜÜT
Special Award by R2 – Erik Laar
Special Award by the Estonian Traditional Music Center – Liina Vainumetsa

Traditional Music of the Year - Duo Mann & Juula "Pleektatsu"
New folk Artist of the Year - Juhan Uppin "Nihked/Switches"
Debut Album of the Year  - Duo Mann & Juula "Pleektatsu"
Folk Musician of the Year - Juhan Uppin
Artist of the Year - Mari Kalkun
Album of the Year - Trad.Attack! "Bring It On"
Song of the Year - Silver Sepp ja ühendkoor "Mu rõõm on lõputu"
Special Award by the Estonian Traditional Music Center - Kadri Giannakaina Laube: 25 years of folk music camp in Võrumaa

Traditional Music of the Year - Lüü-Türr "Tule minu ildaja istumaie"
New folk Artist of the Year - Puuluup "Paala järve Vaala baar"
Newcomer of the Year - Leik "Las mind kasva"
Song of the Year - Puuluup "Paala järve Vaala baar"
Solo artist of the Year - Mari Kalkun
Band of the Year - Puuluup
Album of the Year - Puuluup "Viimane suusataja"
Special Award by the Estonian Traditional Music Center - Ingrid Rüütel ja Viljandimaa lood
Special Award by R2 - Oopus "Folk on Acid"

Album of the Year - Curly Strings "Pidu meis eneses"

Debute Album of the Year - Duo Ruut "Tuule sõnad"
New Folk Artist of the Year - Curly Strings "Lastele"
Song of the Year- Trad.Attack! feat. Vaiko Eplik "Armasta mind"
Traditional Music of the Year - Zetod "Traadilda"
Album of the Year - Torupilli Juss & Cätlin Mägi "Paras paar"
Musician of the Year - Jalmar Vabarna
Artist of the Year - Trad.Attack!
Special Award by the Estonian Traditional Music Center - Lauri Õunapuu
Special Award by R2 - SU-MU "Sabin"

Traditional Music of the Year - Juhan Uppin "Päkarauakannel"
New Folk Artist of the Year - Black Bread Gone Mad "Ayibobo"
Debut Album of the Year - Black Bread Gone Mad "Ayibobo"
Song of the Year - Puuluup "Kasekesed"
Album of the Year - Black Bread Gone Mad "Ayibobo"
Musician of the Year - Sander Mölder
Artist of the Year - Puuluup
Special Award by the Estonian Traditional Music Center - Janika Oras
Special Award by R2 - Rehepecks "Rihma"

Traditional Music of the Year - Kihnu Virve "90"
New Folk Artist of the Year - Puuluup "Süüta mu lumi"
Debut Album of the Year - Puuluup "Süüta mu lumi"
Song of the Year - Zetod "Ilmarikas"
Album of the Year - Cätlin Mägi "Mu pill parmupill"
Musician of the Year - Jalmar Vabarna
Artist of the Year - Zetod
Special Award by the Estonian Traditional Music Center - Heino Sõna
Special Award by R2 - Puuluup

Traditional Music of the Year - Martin Müller ja Villu Talsi "Sepa Juliusega jahil"
New Folk Artist of the Year - Curly Strings 
Debut Album of the Year - Martin Müller ja Villu Talsi "Sepa Juliusega jahil"
Song of the Year - Trad.Attack! "Kallimale"
Album of the Year - "Trad.Attack! "Kallimale"
Musician of the Year - Tõnu Tubli
Artist of the Year - Trad.Attack!
Special Award by the Estonian Traditional Music Center - Untsakad
Special Award by R2 - Silver Sepp

Newcomer of the Year - Voorand-Koikson-Sooäär-Daniel Quartet
Song of the Year - Naised Köögis "Naised, naised"
CD of the Year - Maarja Nuut "Une meeles"
Artist of the Year - Trad.Attack!
Musician of the Year - Eeva Talsi
New Folk Artist of the Year - Naised Köögis 
DJ of the Year - Harl:Etno
Special Award by the Estonian Traditional Music Center - Anzori Barkalaja
Special Award by R2 - Pastacas

CD of the Year - Trad.Attack! "Ah!"
DJ of the Year - Harl:Etno
Song of the Year - Trad.Attack! "Jaan'kene"
Newcomer of the Year - Lõõtsavägilased
New Folk Artist of the Year - Curly Strings
Musician of the Year - Jalmar Vabarna
Band of the Year - Trad.Attack!
Special Award by the Estonian Traditional Music Center - Eesti Rahvaluule Arhiiv
Special Award by R2 - Meistrijaan

Folk Song of the Year - Trad.Attack! "Kooreke"
CD of the Year - Trad.Attack! "EP"
Folk Band of the Year - Trad.Attack
Folk Musician of the Year - Eeva Talsi
Newcomer of the Year - Trad.Attack!
Special Award by the Estonian Traditional Music Center - Viljandimaa Lõõtsaklubi
Special Award by R2 - Trad.Attack!

CD of the Year - Zetod "Lätsi kõrtsu"
Band of the Year - Zetod
Song of the Year - Zetod "Sõda om lännu"
Singer of the Year - Mari Kalkun
Instrumentalist of the Year - Silver Sepp
Special Award by the Estonian Traditional Music Center - Indrek Kalda
Special Award by R2 - Bombillaz

Song of the Year - Paabel "Noor kukk"
CD of the Year- Paabel "Üle järve"
Band of the Year - Paabel
Singer of the Year - Arno Tamm
Instrumentalist of the Year - Tõnu Tubli
Holo Singer of the Year (singer-songwriter) - Silver Sepp
Special Award by the Estonian Traditional Music Center - Õunaviks
Special Award by R2 - Silver Sepp

Band of the Year - Zetod
Album of the Year - Zetod "Lätsi sanna"
Singer of the Year - Jalmar Vabarna
Instrumentalist of the Year - Sandra Sillamaa
Song of the Year - Vägilased "Kes aias"
Singer-songwriter of the Year - Mari Pokinen
Special Award by the Estonian Traditional Music Center - Vägilased
Special Award by R2 - Mari Pokinen

Album of the Year - Paabel "Epopöä"
Singer of the Year - Margus Põldsepp
Instrumentalist of the Year - Sandra Sillamaa
Newcomer of the Year - Nolens Volens
Song of the Year - Svjata Vatra "Kalyna" Vofka mix
Singer-songwriter song of the Year - Jaan Tätte ja Udupasuna "Tulemine"

2009 (Aasta Etnomuusika Auhind)
Album of the Year - Zetod "Lätsi tarrõ tagasi"
Band of the Year - Zetod
Singer of the Year - Jalmar Vabarna
Instrumentalist of the Year - Jalmar Vabarna
Song of the Year - Zetod "Kergotamine"
Newcomer of the Year - Paabel
Artist of the Year - Jalmar Vabarna
Arrangement of the Year - Metsatöll/Kukerpillid "Suured koerad, väiksed koerad"