Folk Music Harvest Party 2024 will take place October 4–5th

This year's Folk Music Harvest Party brings fresh sounds and exciting new productions from the folk scene during the period of falling leaves. Performing together for the first time with a repertoire of songs connected to their roots are the excellent artists Alika Milova and Arno Tamm; folk enthusiasts can enjoy the modern sound of Kass/Talsi/Sink, Alterne (BE/DK/EE), and Hypnosis Negative (CA/EE); while fans of traditional folk music will be treated by the Sound and stories from Ruhnu Island and the always uplifting performances of the Zetod, raising the Traditional Music Center's roof higher.

Folk Music Awards - ETNOKULP

Every year, the best Estonian folk musicians, songs, and albums are awarded with the Etnokulbid at the Folk Music Harvest Party.